Stay up-to-date...

with the latest CPF communications, news releases, and FSL happenings. And if you’re looking to feature CPF in your own communications, our Media Kit has everything you need.

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News Releases

Here’s the latest news with what’s happening at Canadian Parents for French.

FSL in the News

A collection of current articles, columns, blogs, editorials, and more from Canadian and international media sources.

CPF in the News

Psst! Did you hear what people are saying about CPF?

Media Kit

If you’re a journalist, event planner, or campaign manager, you’ll know what this is all about.

We need YOU!

As a non-profit organization, we can’t do what we do without your support.


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We’re always looking for new volunteers who are ready to help young people learn and use French.


When you give, you make a positive impact on the lives of Canadian youth.