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O’Poésie 2022

2021-12-02T10:44:41-05:00December 2nd, 2021|For Youth, What's New?|

O’Poésie is a French as a second language poetry contest for 6 to 18 year old youth. This is an opportunity for FSL students to explore the beauty and expressivity of the French language through a creative learning project. DEADLINE: February 9 2022

Annamie Paul

2021-05-17T08:53:18-04:00February 24th, 2021|For Youth, FSL Champion Stories|

Annamie Paul is the first Black Canadian and Jewish woman to be elected as a leader of a federal party in Canada. Growing up in Toronto, her mother was determined that she and her siblings would grow up bilingual. This French interview was done right after she was nominated as the new leader of the Green Party of Canada.
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